
Historic Overview Lucien Aimar


Overall Rank216
NameLucien AIMAR
Date of birth28-Apr-1941 - Hyères (Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur)
ContemporiesView Contemporary Ranking


Lucien Aimar

Lucien Aimar (pronounced [ly.sjɛ̃ ɛ.maʁ]; born 28 April 1941) is a French cyclist, who won the Tour de France in 1966 and the national road championship in 1968. He is now a race organizer. He was born in Hyères, France. As of the death of Federico Bahamontes in August 2023, he is the oldest surviving winner of the Tour de France.

source - Wikipedia


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Major Victories

Genova - Nizza 1966
Tour de France 1966
4 Jours de Dunkerque 1967
G.P. du Midi-Libre - stages 1970 (1)
Tour de France - stages 1967 (1)
4 Jours de Dunkerque - stages 1973 (1)
Tour de l'Avenir - stages 1963 (1)
More results


Lucien Aimar - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 1962 Individual 11 780
2. 1963 Individual 83 391
3. 1964 Individual 153 268
4. 1965 Ford France - Gitane 875 58
5. 1966 Ford France - Hutchinson 2547 6
6. 1967 Bic 2045 10
7. 1968 Bic 1508 16
8. 1969 Bic 1133 28
9. 1970 Sonolor - Lejeune 1492 23
10. 1971 Sonolor - Lejeune 1191 32
11. 1972 Rokado 807 57
12. 1973 De Kova - Lejeune 465 99
Overall: 12310 216