
Historic Overview George Mount


Overall Rank5951
NameGeorge MOUNT
  United States
Date of birth14-Sep-1955 - Princeton (New Jersey)
ContemporiesView Contemporary Ranking


George Lewis Mount (born September 14, 1955) is an American Olympic and professional cyclist. Mount was sixth at the 1976 Montreal Olympics road race and later with the 1980 Olympic boycott looming launched a professional career and propelled the US into post-war international cycling.

Mount raced professionally in the US and Europe, the first American to break into European road racing. In 1997 Mount was inducted to the United States Bicycling Hall of Fame. He earned the nickname "Smilin' George".

source - Wikipedia


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Major Victories

Coors Classic 1978
Coors Classic - stages 1978 (1), 1979 (1)
More results


George Mount - Scores by Season