
Historic Overview Marco Velo


Overall Rank929
NameMarco VELO
Date of birth09-Mar-1974 - Brescia (Lombardia)


Marco Velo

Marco Velo (born 9 March 1974 in Brescia) is a retired Italian professional road bicycle racer.

source - Wikipedia


Major Victories

Giro del Trentino/Tour of the Alps - stages 1997 (1)
More results


Marco Velo - Scores by Season

Year Team Score Rank
1. 1996 Brescialat - Verynet 110 347
2. 1997 Brescialat - Oyster 166 298
3. 1998 Mercatone Uno - Bianchi 1083 37
4. 1999 Mercatone Uno - Bianchi 1041 53
5. 2000 Mercatone Uno - Albacom 536 130
6. 2001 Mercatone Uno - Stream TV - Bailetti 645 99
7. 2002 Fassa Bortolo 360 208
8. 2003 Fassa Bortolo 359 201
9. 2004 Fassa Bortolo 257 265
10. 2005 Fassa Bortolo 277 236
11. 2006 Team Milram 186 334
12. 2007 Team Milram 80 585
13. 2008 Team Milram 291 244
14. 2009 Quick Step 104 464
15. 2010 Quick Step 69 636
Overall: 5564 929